How to get here

Parco Natura Viva
If you're using a Sat Nav > Strada provinciale 27a, 9 - 3710 Pastrengo
We're well signposted when you approach Bussolengo or Pastrengo, just look out for the brown signs.
(Verona) - Italy 

Find us by the Highway

Coming from Milan, highway Milano-Venezia  Exit Sommacampagna
Coming from Venezia and from Bologna: Exit Verona Nord
Coming from Trento, highway Brennero: Exit Affi


Then follow directions to Parco Natura Viva – Safari Park


Are You coming by bus?

These are the summer lines of ATV Transport Bus Service (from June the 10th to September the 10th 2024):
• Linea 163 Verona - Bussolengo - Lazise - Bardolino - Garda
• Linea 479 Lazise - Colà - Pastrengo - Affi



Where to park?

Paid parking at Parco Natura Viva is available.

  • Payment for parking can be made online by credit card through our online shop. If you don't have a credit card, you can ask at the Cashier of Fauna Park
  • Visitors with a valid annual membership can park in parking 2-3-4 using the QR code of their season ticket.
  • The parking is not attended



  Rates WHERE?
Car, Moto, Camper € 4,00  P2, P3, P4
Annual members Included in the annual membership P1
Bus, Bicycles FREE P1
People with disability FREE - more info here P1






For further information please contact the following references: 
Info: +39 045 717 01 13
Fax: +39 045 677 02 47
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