Consult this page to find the answer to the most frequently asked questions
about the Park and about the visit!

- What is the recommended way to visit the Park?​
On very busy days, queues might develop at the entrance of the Safari car section. Our advice is to start the visit from the Pedestrian section (Fauna Park): it is included in the ticket. You can visit the Safari in the afternoon, in the same day, before the closing time. Check the opening time of the Park on:  www.parconaturaviva.it/en/hours

- How is the Park structured?​
The ticket comprises 2 sections, to be visited in the same day: the Safari Park (that you visit on board of your car) and the Fauna Park (pedestrian area). For more info about the Park click here. 
- How long is the visit?​
The Safari section will take around 40 minutes, but the visiting time could change depending on the day’s turnout. For the Fauna Park (pedestrian area), we reccomend about 3 - 4 hours’ visit, but you can stay inside until the closing time.

- What is the ticket price?
Check the Price page here: Hours and Prices page

- What are the opening hours of the Park?
Parco Natura Viva is divided into two sections, with different opening hours, which change seasonally for the sake of the hosted animals’ wellbeing. The updated opening hours are available on the Hours and Prices page and are susceptible of changes depending on weather conditions. 
- Is the Park open even on long weekends and public holidays?
The Park is open every day from early March to the Epiphany (6th of January). It is closed on the 25th December, but it's open on Easter, Easter Monday, May the 1st, June the 2nd, August the 15th and November the 1st.
- Is there a queue during long weekends and public holidays?
To avoid possible queues at the entrance of the Safari section we recommend, to those who can afford it, to avoid the classic holidays, which might be crowded. If you'll come on Saturday or duriung the week, the Park is even more pleasant: both for the Safari park, to explore on board of your car, and for the Fauna Park, the walking area of the Park. 
If you should come here on an holiday, we advise you to visit the Fauna Park (pedestrian area) first and proceed to the Safari park in the afternoon (while paying attention to the latest time for admission to the Safari, which closes before the Fauna section). Consult the Guide to the Visit for more information.

- How does the online ticket work? Can I jump the queue?​
The online ticket allows you to jump the queue at the Fauna park (pedestrian area), but NOT at the Safari park, because the structure of the latter section does not permit that. 

- Are dogs allowed in? ​
Inside the Safari park, dogs (and other pets) can remain on board of your car only if kept inside a metal or plastic pet carrier. Inside the Fauna park - pedestrian section - instead, they are not allowed in. It is strictly forbidden to leave pets on board of the parked vehicles.
During the opening hours of the Fauna Park, there is a DOG AREA available for the visitors of the Park. For more info, visit the Pets page

- Are there any activities for children?​
On weekend, there are various events inside the Park involving the educational staff, suitable for children aged 6-7 onwards. You can check our Events Calendar 
- Why do animals hide out sometimes?​
The Park hosts more than 1200 animals and devotes a lot of space to them: large habitats rich in vegetation, endowed with areas where the animal can hide away from public view wherever it feels it necessary, are part of our mission for animal wellbeing. You can find more info about it on these pages: mission, research projects.
- Can I feed the animals?​
In the Park, it is prohibited to feed the animals, for health reasons. The only exception is for the Goats of the Farm; we have special feed distributors for them. Click here to view the regulations of the Park: www.parconaturaviva.it/regolamento
- Is there a parking area for campers?​
Campers (or caravans) can be parked in one of our parking areas during the visit of the Fauna Park. They cannot however remain parked after the closing time of the Park.
- Can I visit the Safari Park on board of my camper?​
Yes, you can visit the Safari park on board of your camper or caravan. 
- Can I visit the Park during the winter?​
The Fauna park - pedestrian area - can be visited everyday, during opening time, from early March to the Epiphany (6th of January), and the animals are normally visible. The Safari section, instead, is open from early March to early December. From the closing day of the Safari Park, the special winter promotional ticket, comprising the visit to the Fauna Park only, will be on sale.
- Can I visit the Park in the night?
On specific summer days, the special night ticket is available.
Occasionally, the Park proposes also special Evening Events that include the visit to a part of the Park in the evening. We advise you to subscribe to our newsletter to keep abreast of these events and other news.

Do you have any other question? Contact Us!

If you have question that needs a quickly answer, you can call Us to: +39 045 7170113
or you can send an email from our contact page: 
