

For your safety and for animals wellbeing

Parco Natura Viva is deeply concerned in protecting endangered specie and aims to rise public awareness: thanks to your visit, you do actively sustain dierent projects.

Only few simple RULES to improve your visit and to assure animal’s wellbeing:


  • Do follow indicated route on map. Do not rise or trespass any fence. Do not enter any defended area.
  • Please use waste bins, caring about triage
  • Please respect public spaces and service areas. The Park reserves the right to charge visitor in case of damages due to improper and irregular use of materials and equipment. 
  • Pets are not allowed
  • Bicycles or kick scooters are not allowed
  • It is forbidden to play ball games
  • It is forbidden to light fires
  • No commercial use for photos allowed
  • Our road system is environment-friendly, therefore we invite you to pay attention to small differences in height and the occasional presence of stones or other natural obstacles on the way; we suggest using strong shoes suitable for a possibly bumpy road.
  • Take care of animal’s privacy (no knocking on windows, no screaming)


  • Access to the Safari Section is prohibited for convertible cars with open roofs, motor vehicles and bicycles.
  • It's strictly forbitten to get out of your car
  • Doors and windows must be kept closed all long the Safari tour
  • Do not disturb the animals, do not feed them and do not throw anything out of the window
  • You must keep your pet inside a pet carrier
  • All animals you meet on the road have right of way
  • Please follow the regulations strictly. The management will accept no responsibility for any damage wich may be caused to your car during the visit.
  • After the visit of the Safari Park you can access to parking areas and start a new visit fo Fauna Park, if you haven't already visited it.
  • Attention: if your car breaks down, sound the horn three times and please stay inside your car and wait for rescue.
For any need you can contact the park staff.
Non observance of rules could lead to expel guest from visiting and to legal proceedings if needed.

Here you can find the Rules you need to follow in order to visit Parco Natura Viva






Like us humans, animals also need a healthy and balanced diet to stay healthy and fit. Everyday we monitor the quality and quantity of food that is given to the animals we host, not only for each SPECIES but for SINGLE INDIVIDUAL.
❌ Snacks, but much more simply an APPLE or a CAROT can cause problems for animals, not only in terms of health but also in the social balance between different individuals: they could argue and be seriously injured.
❤️ Animal welfare is our priority every day and ALL the animals entrusted to us are constantly followed by our staff of keepers, veterinarians and ethologists to monitor their health.
We ask for the collaboration of all our visitors to understand that a gesture, which may seem harmless, can cause DAMAGE, even IRREVERSIBLE.
⚠️ DO NOT feed the animals in the Park: not even a leaf, a fruit or even worse snacks. ⚠️
The only exception are the goats in the FARM: to which it is possible to administer the feed that you will find in the special balls at the vending machine.
Thank you!