Parco Natura Viva participates to the Volohasy – Bamboo project in the dragon tree rain forest of Maromizaha, in Madagascar. This project, promoted and coordinated by the University of Torino and supported by the Italian Union of Zoos and Aquariums (UIZA), aims to support the conservation of bamboo lemurs by implementing reforestation actions in the degraded areas of the New Protected Area of Maromizaha.
The primary areas of interventions are the following:
  • establishment of an area subject to reforestation;
  • realisation of an organised chain of the cultivation and planting of bamboo;
  • the conservation of species strictly dependent on the consumption of this vegetable;
  • wildlife monitoring by a local guide, trained on the management and protection techniques of Madagascar’s biodiversity.
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The participation of the local population is a point of strength of this project: the personnel involved in the activities is selected from the inhabitants of the villages adjacent to the forest. Furthermore, all actions are carried out in partnership with the staff of the GERP (Groupe d'Étude et de Recherche sur les Primates de Madagascar), which has been managing the protected area of Maromizaha since 2008.