Giraffe Project

Giraffe is the world’s tallest mammal and is widespread across southern and eastern Africa with small isolated populations also in western and central Africa. Parco Natura Viva donates its contribution to the conservation of the giraffe supporting the work of Giraffe Conservation Foundation in Africa.

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Parco Natura Viva is involved in the conservation of giraffes both by raising public awareness on the protection of this species and through an annual economic support to the Giraffe Conservation Foundation – GCF, an international organisation, world leader on giraffe’s conservation. Currently GCF carries out initiatives in 15 African countries by implementing practical actions for the giraffe’s conservation, monitoring and scientific research activities, and educational and awareness programmes for local communities.
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In the 80s the number of wild giraffes in all Africa was estimated to 155,000. Today the Giraffe Conservation Foundation estimates that the current population is approximately around 111,000, a 30% decline. The giraffe (Giraffa Camelopardalis) is classified as “Vulnerable” in the IUCN Red List and counts a total of eight subspecies with different conservation status, from least concern to critically endangered. Recent studies carried out by GCF and partners have however identified four distinctive species: the Masai giraffe, the northern one, the southern giraffe and the reticulated, in turn divided into various subspecies. Four are the main threats to their survival: habitat loss through deforestation, expansion of agricultural activities and human population growth, civil unrest like ethnic violence and military and paramilitary operation, poaching, and ecological changes.
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Parco Natura Viva houses a bachelor group of giraffes, entrusted by the EEP coordinator of this species in order to allow establishing breeding groups in other EAZA facilities with a balanced sex ratio. At Parco Natura Viva giraffes are housed in the Safari section, sharing their big exhibit with antelopes, wildebeests and other African species.
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On the 21st of June 2014 the first World Giraffe Day was announced by the Giraffe Conservation Foundation. Parco Natura Viva adheres and supports the World Giraffe Day with workshops and educational activities that help visitors to know more in depth this fascinating species and the threats to its survival.
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If you are interested in this project and you want to help saving the giraffe and its habitat, there are different ways in which you can contribute. By participating to the activities organized by Parco Natura Viva, such as guided tours, educational workshops and the World Giraffe Day, you can learn more about this species and the threats to its survival, also learning what behaviours to adopt in everyday life to protect their habitat. By adopting the park’s giraffes you will directly contribute to help finance this project; but even with your visit to the park you will be able to make a concrete contribution to conservation, since a percentage of the value of the admission ticket is always destined to in situ conservation projects. Finally, by making other people aware of the problems of animals in the wild, you can actively help spread the knowledge and guarantee a future for the giraffes in their natural environment.