The last European bison (Bison bonasus) in nature was killed in the 1920s. The species survived only thanks to the commitment of several European Zoological Parks, that were breeding this species in a controlled environment. After the Second World War, there were only 54 individuals originating from 12 founder animals. At that time, the project for the reintroduction in the wild of the species began through an intense reproduction programme adopted by Zoological Parks. On the 13th of September 1952, the first bison was released in the Białowieża forest, in Poland. Today, the total number of European bison in the world is around 3,500 individuals, of which 1,800 distributed in Poland, Belarus, Lithuania, Ukraine and Russia. The Russian population suffered a rapid decline due to hunting, seriously threatening the the long-term survival of this species, despite the reintroduction programme. In the Caucasus around 60 animals were killed few years ago, and other populations are drastically declining going from around 1,300 individuals in 1984 to 550 in 1999; other populations have gone from 250 individuals in 1993 to 18 in 2001.
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Discover Armenis,
the wonderful land where our European bison are being released!

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Camposaz in Magura Zimbrilor - © Bogdan Comanescu © Costas Dumitrescu © Emmanuel Rondeau - drone shot Magura Zimbrilor1 © Daniel Mîrlea
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© Bogdan Comanescu - Armenis Winter © Bogdan Comanescu © Bogdan Comanescu © Bogdan Comanescu
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© Bogdan Comanescu - Armenis Winter © Bogdan Comnescu - Bison Hillock Landscape © Emmanuel Rondeau - drone shot Sat Batran © Costas Dumitrescu